Friday, January 18, 2008

Canadians Shake Things Up in New York’s Bryant Park

Bryant Park…a New York City destination that cannot be missed, especially in the wintertime. Experiences include the only free ice skating rink in NYC, amazing holiday shops for that last minute shopping, and a 50-foot holiday tree! But for one week in December, the Canadian Tourism Commission added a special touch to the park – the world’s biggest snow globe! Standing over two stories tall and 24 feet wide, the globe came across our northern border from Ontario and made a week long guest appearance at The Pond at Bryant Park. The snow globe had four actors shooting hockey pucks, drinking “ice wine” and provided endless entertainment to the passersby. It even included snow fluttering around inside (no shaking necessary).

Canada has added a very special presence to The Pond at Bryant Park for the past few years by provided a holiday tree and host visitors in the toasty and colorful Celsius: A Canadian Lounge.

Canada also brought everyone’s favorite Canadian icon, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (“Mounties”) to the park every Monday from November 26-December 31 to meet and greet the public and celebrate the Canadian activities at the park. Visitors took home a free keepsake photo with their new Mountie friends in front of the Canadian tree. Lines formed to take photos with the Mounties and they were asked anything and everything from “where are your horses” to “are you actors?” To hear our “Monday Mounties” describe their experience and crazy consumer encounters, click on the link below from their interview which recently ran on NPR’s “The Bryant Park Project:” And don’t forget to check out Canada when it comes back to Bryant Park in October 2008!

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